I have contemplated a thousand different room ensembles but could never commit to purchasing any of them. Most of my choices were found on the Internet and with furniture I like to be able to examine it in person especially when I started noticing the prices.
I was messing around on Craigslist last week looking for a dining hutch or china cabinet, when I came across a kid's bedroom set. The listing had a twin bed with headboard/footboard/rails, large dresser, student desk with a study hutch, nightstand, media cart, desk chair and a shelf for $200. I was intrigued so I emailed the seller asking if it was still available. Things moved quickly and before I knew it we had the kid's loaded in a borrowed truck and were on our way to take a look at it. It was a little rougher then I had envisioned. I had to remind myself I wasn't buying a new set but instead a well used sturdy bedroom set for my little guy that was so excited that he could hardly sleep the night before.
Here it is at the moment.
I am going to stain them dark. All the bedroom sets I have been drawn to have been dark wood or black. I am assembling a mood board for the first time too. I can't wait to get started. Off to the hardware store to pick up some gel stain and rags. Wish me luck.